Grand Valley Cap 'n' Ballers TM

About US

Welcome to the Grand Valley Cap ‘n’ Ballers website.  Grand Valley is a charter club with the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association.  It was established over 50 years ago when a few brave souls came together because of their love of history and black powder shooting.  Grand Valley has grown to well over 100 family memberships and hosts some of the largest events in the area.  With 126 acres of land, Grand Valley offers opportunities for primitive, shotgun, bench, cross sticks, pistol, archery, and line matches for young and old alike.  There is space for both primitive and modern camping.  We have a block house, primitive one room cabin, and a club house with a covered pavilion.  Grand Valley also has one of the finest muzzle loading shotgun facilities in the state with three electric trap houses and a newly completed skeet range along with sporting clays and a 5-stand.  You may also want to try walking through the woods to shoot the challenging quail walk.  The shotgun area is set up for modern camping with facilities for 25 camp sites.  Events are scheduled most every weekend throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall.  The schedule of our club activities is available here on the website.  Regular club shoots are the first Sunday of each month, starting at noon with a membership meeting at 2:30pm.  You are invited to come and spend some time with us to shoot, or just watch.


Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to create, promote and encourage an interest in historical firearms; to preserve their histories, along with the crafts and traditions of our American heritage; to promote good fellowship and teach firearm safety; to purchase, hold and use the Club property, both real and personal for accomplishing these purposes, and to preserve our constitutional rights as to any and all acts permitted by the laws of the State of Michigan.